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A VDO desenvolve projetos em diversos países. Conheço o evento de MMA que mais cresce no mundo.

Desde 2017 a VDO é parceira da KHK , com sede no Bahrein. A KHK é a promotora do Brave Fights, 4o maior evento de Mixed Martial Arts do Mundo, e dominante nos continentes Asiáticos, Africanos, e no Leste Europeu.

A VDO é responsável pelo distribuição internacional via satélite e streaming, coordenando com mais de 15 emissoras de TV e websites especializados as transmissões ao vivo, que já contam com mais de 30 edições em 19 países.

Future proofing hospitals

By improving the physical layout of hospitals and medical facilities, we can enhance and increase safety mechanisms, improve care, and…

Future proofing hospitals

By improving the physical layout of hospitals and medical facilities, we can enhance and increase safety mechanisms, improve care, and…

Future proofing hospitals

By improving the physical layout of hospitals and medical facilities, we can enhance and increase safety mechanisms, improve care, and…

Future proofing hospitals

By improving the physical layout of hospitals and medical facilities, we can enhance and increase safety mechanisms, improve care, and…

Future proofing hospitals

By improving the physical layout of hospitals and medical facilities, we can enhance and increase safety mechanisms, improve care, and…

Future proofing hospitals

By improving the physical layout of hospitals and medical facilities, we can enhance and increase safety mechanisms, improve care, and…